Nathan Natas
JoinedPosts by Nathan Natas
Will The UN ban religion? Or Will It shove foreign religions down our throats?
by Pig inso jw's belive that right about now the un will be banning all religion.
close but ni cigar.
teacher threaten parents that they will destroy their childs career prospects if they do not allow their child to attend a pro islamic brainwashing field trip.
Nathan Natas
My opinion is that this is just a twist on the standard end-times boogeyman stories that "the faithful" tell each other to compensate for the FACT that their god has done NOTHING for them.
Like all other fairy-tales, it will not come true, no matter how much you might wish it will.
Very proud!
by caballoSentado inhi friends,.
although i read the forum dayly, i rarely post.. but i had to tell you this!..
i have 3 children 2 boys and a beatiful girl... this is about my second boy.
Nathan Natas
These wonderful stories of people becoming FREE warm my heart!
Best wishes to you and yours!
Watch Tower Society & Hedge Funnds
by mind blown ini see many youtube vids regarding the wts indulging in hedge funds were pulled.
touchy subject is it?.
Nathan Natas
Since the time that the Bernie Madoff scandal really hit the news, I have wondered how much money Bernie stole from the Watchtower and highly-placed rich JWs.
I have no evidence of any sort, but rats are often found in the company of other rats.
We will probably never know unless a WTB&TS accountant goes apostate and decides to copy some files.
Nevertheless, I find this thought comforting as I drift off to sleep.
Nathan Natas
You are watching too much TV. Try reading some real books, not "graphic novels."
Who knows, you might find the answer to your questions.
Why I am upset with myself for my atheistic beliefs
by confusedandalone inyesterday me and the wife were talking about how much better life has become.
she said something that got me thinking and made me a bit sad for a while.
we were discussing where we are at individually in our quest for understanding about the "super-natural" and i expressed i have no belief in it at all and how much i have changed she says, "i don't think you have changed much.
Nathan Natas
Don't feel bad about being an atheist; that's the way the gods made us. :)
Have you ever had a hallucination? What was it like?
by Nathan Natas ini have almost never had a visual hallucination and i was wondering what they're like.
how "real" do they seem?
is there any kind of a hint you get that tells you they are not real?
Nathan Natas
...and, of course, "le pain maudit" means "Cursed Bread" in French.
So we have seen that hallucinations are not an uncommon experience.
How many of our society's irrational religious notions have there basis in a hallucinatory experience by a person who was charismatic, like, for example, Saul of Tarsus? ... or Roman emperor, Constantine I?
12 years of marriage gone to prostitute addiction
by His Excellency in
Nathan Natas
There are two sides to any story.
I'm betting that "Haley Not-her-real-name" is a frigid harpy and a lousy lay who wouldn't know passion if it smacked her ass.
time to reboot jwn??? attn. tech49, formerlongtime elder, others.
by nowwhat? infirst of all let me start by saying who am i to judge, but... i understand jwn has completely evolved over the years, but what i would like to see a forum that has current members and former jw's that still live by bible principles and respect the bible, but are not afraid to call out the watchtower on their practices and revised history.
i think quality posters as mentioned above, after venting their frustrations and experiences realize this website is taken over by athiests.
and punk kids-[ see similar post.
Nathan Natas
Ask your imaginary friend(s) to give you the site you seek.
Oh, and STFU!
Have you ever had a hallucination? What was it like?
by Nathan Natas ini have almost never had a visual hallucination and i was wondering what they're like.
how "real" do they seem?
is there any kind of a hint you get that tells you they are not real?
Nathan Natas
St George of England, might that drug have been ketamine? On the street it is known as "Special K" or "horse tranks."
According to wikipedia, ketamine is a drug used in human and veterinary medicine, primarily for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. Ketamine has a wide range of effects in humans, including analgesia, anesthesia, hallucinations, elevated blood pressure, and bronchodilation. Like other drugs of its class, such as tiletamine and phencyclidine (PCP), ketamine induces a state referred to as "dissociative anesthesia" and is used as a recreational drug. Ketamine can be effective in treating depression in patients with depression and bipolar disorder who have not responded to antidepressants. It produces a rapid antidepressant effect, acting within two hours as opposed to the several weeks taken by typical antidepressants to work. Patients have reported vivid hallucinations, "going into other worlds" or "seeing God" while anesthetized, and these unwanted psychological side effects have reduced the use of ketamine in human medicine."
I had a cat that had developed an abcessed wound as a result of a feline territorial dispute, so we took him to the veterinarian for treatment. In the vet's words, this was a cat that "escallated easily" - he was fine with my wife and I but he didn't trust strangers, and the vet was a stranger... so the vet felt justified in giving the cat ketamine to anesthetize him, making the wound treatment easier for both of them. The next morning I picked the cat up and he was just waking fron his deep sleep; in fact he had not yet regained control of his hind legs - when we got home he dragged himself around using just his forelegs, and he seemed concerned that he couldn't use his hind legs, which probably made him feel vulnerable, creating an anxiety-loop in his cat mind.
(Reminds me of a line from Monty Python, "So I takes me cat out for a scrape 'round the block...")
But this wasn't funny, it was clear to me that my little buddy was hallucinating, and he was TERRIFIED by whatever it was he was seeing, amplified by his anxiety. He retreated to the security of his cat-carrier and spent most of the remainder of the day in there. When his system finally purged itself of the ketamine, he returned to being his old lovable, rascally cat-self, and he never spoke to me of his experience. I, for my part, called the vet and requested that a note be added to his medical file stating that he should never be given ketamine again.
Months later he was killed by a car; I still miss him.